What Your Mismatched Bedding Says About You.


Let’s just cut to the chase here, I won’t waste your time with sugar coating… Your mismatched bedding is speaking and it doesn't have anything nice to say.

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You’re an adult, with a job. You can most certainly afford a set or two of new matching sheets for your bed. But instead you have 3 different colors of pillow cases… none of which happen to match your fitted sheet. If you have a flat sheet, we can bet it doesn’t match anything else on your bed. And at this point, we really aren’t even interested in what your comforter/duvet may look like because we are already looking for an excuse to get out of your bedroom.

I’m sure you guys have a good reason, whatever it may be. However, to your counterparts, the clash of colors and patterns that happen to be your bed, just look plain lazy and sloppy. They may ask themselves, did he not do his laundry? Did he lose his sheets to some nasty stains?  Or did he just actually manage to lose them… How does one even lose sheets? No matter the answers, I think we can all agree, it’s better if we don’t have to ask the questions in the first place.

A nice pair of quality matching sheets is a sure way to upgrade your bedroom game. Nothing beats coming home to a bed that looks and feels great and I challenge you to find anyone who doesn't agree!

When you’re ready to give your bedroom the promotion it deserves, just follow these simple guidelines:


1. Nothing under 400 thread count! I consider myself somewhat thrifty and have tried to dabble in 300 thread count. From my experience, anything below 400 feels like sandpaper to your face. That being said, high thread count doesn’t always guarantee more softness. So jumping to 1,000 thread count for example, isn’t always your answer. In fact, a thread count over 800 is usually baloney.

2. If you like your bedding to feel smooth and soft, opt for Egyptian Cotton or tencel. If the label just says “100% cotton” it is more than likely American Upland cotton, a rougher feeling and less durable cotton. If you prefer your sheets crisp and cool, cotton percale is the way to go. 

3.  Neutral colors are always a good idea when it comes to sheets. This gives your bed a nice, clean look and gives you more flexibility with your duvet or comforter. White sheets are always a smart move as you can bleach them instead of tossing them if things get messy…

4. Avoid sheets that claim to be wrinkle resistant. While I dislike the looks of wrinkles just as much as the next guy, wrinkle resistant sheets are treated with chemicals, the most noteworthy being formaldehyde.  I don't know about you but I'll take wrinkles over a toxic night's sleep any day... I mean any night. 

5. This one hopefully goes without saying but we should say it anyways: Always Make your Bed! It is said that making your bed is one of the easiest success habits. I want you to be successful, as does everybody who enters your room!

There are certainly endless options when searching for sheets and to call finding the right ones a daunting task would be forgiving. I can't think of anyone who really wants to run around Bed, Bath and Beyond or scroll through dozens of websites attempting to sort through the endless options. And even after all of that work, could you be confident you picked the best product?  

What if you could take all the guess work and agony out of shopping for your much needed fresh set of sheets? Enter your new, trustworthy friend, Pillow Guy. Pillow guy has a goal and it's to make the process of shopping for bedding easy, breezy, and painless. By answering  three simple questions about your sleeping habits, Pillow Guy provides you with a premium bedding bundle that's perfect for you and your sleeping style.

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Though I may not be a guy, I so very much appreciate Pillow Guy, their effortless platform, and amazing sheets! I'm currently sleeping on the Luxe Soft and Smooth set and I must say the only thing standing between me and the best night of sleep is my constant urge to rub my face against my ridiculously soft pillow cases.

And as if Pillow Guy hasn't made this easy enough already, they took it a step further by labeling the inside of their fitted sheets with "short side" and "long side." Now you don't even have to think about it when you're making your bed! 

If you just need a a new set of sheets, or the whole package including comforters, duvets, and pillows, Pillow Guy has you covered with masculinens in all of the right neutral colors.  You really have no excuses now. In the wise words of Pillow guy, sheet just got real! You can shop Pillow Guy via the Model Home Shop page. 

Now get out there and make your bedroom the place it deserves to be!